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Galaxy, Platform 04 Hesperius Dimension (PS4), PS4
Hex Address 10CB06972F99
System Name Ambassador
Celestial Bodies 5 Planets
Climate Bilious Storms
Flora Abundant
Fauna Abundant
Sentinals Typical
Economy Technology // Developing
Discovered By Ivansky_Rutpo
Notes Well this probably not the real balaron but the reason I called it that is because of these primitive gek looking creatures, they are also quite big 3.6 meters to be exact. But with all of these good things there is the fact that this planet is also extreme weather, which means that it storms alot and thats no fun. But thats not all, the other 4 planets in the system are also really cool. Theres gargle: another mega exotic with big rings all over the surface, theres Zeus: a crazy looking lush biome, theres Dushyanta: an exotic biome with big pillars and theres my breath: a toxic planet (hehe).
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