Nero Obsidian

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Galaxy, Platform 01 Euclid (PS4), PS4
Hex Address 00C4F9B65AD7
Galactic Coordinates 02d6:0078:0364:00c4
System Name <{[BH]}> Ongale
Celestial Bodies 5 Planets 1 Moon
Climate Occasional Scalding Cloubburst
Flora High
Fauna Bountiful
Sentinals Regular
Discovered By bionicheart70
Base Description Nero Obsidian is a ancient fortress that has become a Travellers destination. If you stay on the lighted path you will have no issues exploring the ruins. Please be cautious when climbing on the ruins. Enjoy your visit and feel free to leave a message.
Notes There are two bases in this system the other being on planet Moonshroom which is the Hall of Glitches, another popular destination.
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